Saturday, December 27, 2008

rehashed post from a year and a half ago

IF you ever listen to a glam rock song and think to yourself, is this song about a whore? The answer is always a yes

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas. There I said it.
Vampire Hygiene. Notice that there hair is always looking nice? How? They can't see themselves in mirrors? Sometimes you would think that the hair would look all crazy. Not the guys, they always get that Greaseball slick back look (not banging it, it looks good on you) but the chicks hair is always flowing and billowy. And what is up with that? They can't see themselves, and often in movies they can't see the clothes either? Did they bite there clothes before they put them on? Vampire clothes? Also they never take their clothes off, not that I would want to see them naked (who would want to see someone over 80 with no clothes? Wow that a vision that now won't go away) but when they drink blood it’s usually makes a really big mess, then the next time you see them they are clean, indcluding the clothes! you ever get blood on something? it doesn't come off. GRAAAA, forget it.
In conclusion, merry Christmas from the staff at humans minus brains

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

When will we evolve enough as human beings to where we only have to sneeze once. Why all the double sneezing, huh Darwin?

Monday, December 08, 2008

a beach house doesn't have to be on the beach, but all the good ones are. get a beach house

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Zoolander 2? why? what could it be about?

here are my ideas...

zoolander wins a free trip to new mexico, pees on the alamo
zoolander and his buddy (the guy with the wierd nose) get married
Mustafoo comes back and they both enter a pie eating contest (porno version)
zoolander gets on a bus that can't go under 55 else it will explode
zoolander spends an hour and a half trying to find waldo in a picaso painting
zoolander returns home and gets a job in a coal mine (the only funny part of the movie)