Friday, March 30, 2007

wisconsin quarter has a picture of my exwife (Pictured, left) doing what she does best (when she isn't nagging someone to death) and that is eating! Gratz! you did it! it says forward, which is the direction you should run if you ever got caught up into a favor for her.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I've been sick lately, not in the head, well maybe, but i also had a cold. I did make it into work today, so I thought it was only fair to midland that would post something. fair to midland. that is my friends answer to "how are you"

so today I asked, how are you? he responded fair to midland, then said we were past hump day and onto the weekend, before he could finish, I interrupted and said, "in a couple of days it starts all over” that knocked the wind out of his sails.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

If someone you barely know knows your name, that means he talks about you with his friends. my wife told me that

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

More zune news

One of my co workers (will rename nameless, I do know his name. I get a lot of emails, in the billions, stating that I’m stuck-up and don’t know my coworkers names. And the ones that I do know I just make fun of, or play tricks on, or wait outside work with a ski mask and a crow bar, and then hit them, hurting there chances to get into the Olympics after they qualify. I don’t do that. But I may be stuck up. Now that I think about F you very much for your emails. And further more what the hell is up with these new crazy trends? Wow that was a bit vague. Ok back to what I was talking about) has gotten a zune. He annoys me. He is just a kid (still in high school actually) He told me that he wanted a job where he wanted a briefcase and that travels. They only job he could think of was air traffic controller. This job doesn’t require a briefcase nor any traveling. I would also like to note that he wants a job that requires a briefcase so he can put coffee in it.
Anyway after telling him that I knew nothing about being an air traffic controller, and keep in my mind my job has nothing to do with it at all, he asked me a follow up question: “what time does an air traffic controller have to get up?” GAAAAAAHHHHH He drives me spare.

Maybe this is why I am so annoyed most of the time?

Monday, March 19, 2007

I got a nice complement from a first time reader the other: "Hey your blog isn’t as bad as I thought it was and it barely made me chuck."
Kind of made me blush, I’m not use to complements.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Why the game Monopoly is bull and I hate you.

Ok I hate monopoly. No big deal you think, this guy hates everything. Sometimes I even hate air.
Everyone is like, “hey what’s up with him?”
“Oh didn’t you know? He breathed and it set him off.”

But I digress. Here is my problem with monopoly:
At the most, I played it with 4 people, you can do more, but I never did. The first part of the game is great, you run around buying stuff. But eventually you can’t buy anything anymore. So you build houses and hotels, if you can. So now you have people running around owning houses and hotels, but staying at other people’s houses or hotels.

Let me tell you something, if you own a house or a hotel, you’re not going to spend the night in another one right down the road, especially when its 1500 dollars a night and your hurting for money. Your gonna spend the night in your house or hotel for free.

And what kind of city only has 4 people in it? No wonder it cost 2000 for a night. To stay

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I saw a soda named MOUNTAIN FURY, looked like some kind of a knock off of mountain dew. both these soda names kind of make me chuckle, because in the end, the only extreme you get from drinking soda is in your ass. They only mountain people will see is you.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

I took some time off because my grandmother passed away. she was a great person and an inspiration to me. I'm not ready to be silly again. maybe a few more days.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I was thinking back on house party with kid and play. Do you think kid ever had kids? Or that play ever wrote that play? I would like to think they are both in heaven right now, rocking god’s house while he is out of town, but then again, they may not be dead. Do you think they have trouble renting houses? I'm not renting to you, you'll just have a party, Mr. Kid OH man I just thought of another question, is kids first name Billy? Is plays last name withhimself? I kid and I play with the two of them, but would never tell them, for fear of them throwing a party at my house when I’m not home.