Thursday, February 14, 2008

What time is it? Its’ valintime!

How to make a poem for Violinetime:

Get a hold of some of the wussy rock of the 80s. Air supply will do but don’t feel like you should exclude others (the ladies from bon jovi make some really girly music) Then lock yourself into a small room with that music and lots of booze. Now that you are ready follow these simple steps:

1. drink a lot of booze
2. to check if you are drunk enough try to do something like eat a cracker. If you can’t do it. You are at the right level.
3. start listening to the music selection. 1 song over and over for an hour
4. turn off the song, wait 20 mins
5. now write down the lyrics from memory
6. pass out.

When you wake up in the morning, clean up all the vomit and leave the small room.

Take the piece of paper with your song lyrics and turn them in as your own.

Hey, hold on. That is plagiarism right? Nope. The lyrics you wrote down aren’t even close to the acutall songs you were listening too. They may even be romantic (2 percent chance)

Good luck and happy Gallontime!

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