Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The state I live in is run by 80 year olds and rednecks. Any time this loser state gets a chance to poke peoples nose into peoples personal lives the jump in their Trucks, or Lincolns and drive on down to the vote booths.
Keeping all that in mind, here is my grievance: last night my state became another “close minded” state to outlaw same sex marriages. “Why should I care?” You may ask yourself?
You’d be right; it’s none of our business. To bad people have to suffer to become political fodder and avoid real issues, if there are any.
I don’t vote, never have. Left work early a couple of times to vote, but just went home and watched TV. Yesterday I went and voted, first time. Just checked the one box and went home.
So I would like to apologize for my backward ass sticking our nose in other people’s business dumb-ass state. I am truly sorry.
Gays can die for our country but not get married? They have the right to be miserable just like everyone else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep I remember dad doing that to me too everytime we went to the movies. The last time I went with him I was pregnant with Meena. I kept nudging him awake...about the 10th time I nudged him he said if you nudge me again I'm gonna kill you. Ahhh! The happy memories of the past!