Monday, November 06, 2006

Firstly I would like to apologize to my 1 reader. If you are reading this, then it’s you, if you are not reading, hmm that is a stumper I guess. How the heck do you even know that I’m writing this? I got it! If you AREN’T reading this then F you!
Now that I have offended everyone besides you, away we go…
I haven’t been to the movies in ages. I wonder if the seats are still sticky. It’s hard to go to the movies when you have a baby. My best memories are going to the movies with my dad. Seemed like a good idea at first, free movie, the guy likes popcorn. Good deal? No. Not at all. He slept, and when he sleeps he snores. It sounds like when the 3 stooges snored, only for real, and 10 times louder. Everyone around us moved or complained or whatever. He wasn’t getting up that is for sure, I nudged that guy like 10 times. One time the actors in the movie stopped and just looked at me. Did wonders for my self esteem at 14. Now that I’m older, if anyone makes any kind of noise when a movie is going on, I just start crying. Yep, nothing but good memories.

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