Friday, November 03, 2006

At my job, which I love! Do I? not really. Anyway. This post is about priorities. My last boss was a paramedic on his spare time, and he never was able to put things into prospective. He would have people dieing in his arms one night and the next day totally freak out over a non standard mouse. I think it was because he was so separated from one job, that he had to be extra passionate with his other job.
He was a hoot, he would call me and tell me that someone was not working but that it was the users own fault. He would always be in a big tizzy. “let them sit for the day, then call them” is what he would tell me. I would say “nah, lets get them working” He would say “your right.” And then leave me alone.

Before I was the early person, the guy before me purposely made him mad so he would exploded on everyone as they walked into the door. Hey! What is going on with that printer? What is the deal with that computer that has been sitting at your desk for a month?
The printer is in the garbage, the computer is what I have been using to do my work.
Oh. Roar!.
Later I would find out that a drunk driver died in some accident the night before.
Gosh I miss that boss.. He is more then likely yelling at people in heaven right now, which is funny because as far as I know he is still alive somewhere.

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