Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I have some time off of work coming up so i am not posting till after labor day, which brings me to my next post...

LABOR DAY, the day we should all not work.

what the hell? sounds like you would work your ass off this day and instead you end up eating a grilled hot dog. so i went to the government site
to find out why i don't have to work on this day, lots of words and no pictures. i'm not reading all that. let me sum it up, even though i didn't read it. labor day is when the greek god of labor (George Washington) and the Asian god of war (uncle Sam) got drunk and signed a treaty with the Canadians. since then they legally changed the name of back bacon into h.a.m. (heart attack, mild). so everyone and a while, you don't have to work, but someone has to pay for it. Do they have this in Japan? nope on labor day just like every other day they work their asses off. Why? because they need to pay for all the funerals that Godzilla causes. That isn't cheep.

so have a good labor day

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