Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Humans minus brains top list of healthy living

1. breathe air. Surprisingly fish never took on this habit and now they are stuck in the water
2. Eat food. Most people do, others don’t the ones that do outlive the ones that don’t by 10 to 50 million years
3. Staples are not food. Most people who indulge themselves on staples usually have lower pains when they come out.
4. ping pong balls instead of eyeballs. You can use a magic marker to fill in details
5. don’t piss off people who are holding knives. When someone puts an unnecessary hole in you, bodily fluids that could be useful may spill out, shortening your life slightly.
6. take off clothes, not skin. Sometimes when people get undressed the don’t know when to stop. The loss of skin may prevent you from putting on sun tan lotion in some cases.

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