Friday, January 05, 2007

Wow, 1000 apologies to my 2 readers. So that is a total of 2000 apologies. End of year is a bit busy for me, what with the holidays and me trying to sleep in and play video games.

With that out of the way, here is my first post of 2007.

It is for younger couples, and I would like to call it the perfect relationship.

millions of people a day ask me, "Jerkbag, can you get the hell out of my way?"

Nothing to do with the post, but true none the less.

ladies, guys are not complicated people. If you think that the kind gestures are anything more then something to put you in the mood then you are incorrect.

In the beginning of relationships, guys want to hit that. Once they do, it means that the beginning gentlemen like stuff is pretty much over with, and it's all laying on the couch and grunting.

Lastly, don't do drugs. They are the poor persons TIVO.

1 comment:


I don't reply to all your entries so I guess, even though I do read ALL your entries, that you have a total of 2 1/2 readers.

Ya lost me with the Drugs and Poor Man's TIVO thing...LOL.