Friday, July 14, 2006

Apparently i started writing this 6 years ago. it's total rubish.

He thought he looked good, at least as good as he ever did as a bead of sweat started running down his forehead. Thoughts of him walking into the interview, being the answer to there dreams pleased him but he knew that he was grossly under qualified. The two other potential candidates were sitting across from him, engaging in what he would call “I don’t know you. But I’ll be nice to you because life tells me to be nice to you. And even though you might steal a job from me, I’ll pretend to like you.”
‘Pathetic,’ John thought ‘As if it wasn’t bad enough that I had to sit in with these two as they swapped horror stories about how bad it is out in the job market, my stomach keeps rumbling and I also have to use the bathroom like nobody business. My hands are almost waterlogged from sweat. Great. That will make a good impression. He’ll come up to me and say please to meet you and then get a handful of my own fluids.”
‘Honesty. That is what this world needs. I’m gonna march right in there and tell him that I am under qualified and will come in late after 3 weeks of just barley making it in time. That I was the first one downsized at my last company and this one won’t be much different.’ He laughed at himself for a second. Although he was cracking up on the inside the outside, still sweating, showed only a smiled, his thoughts wandered to the policy of interoffice dating.
The secretary called in one of the other gentlemen. He used that time to go down the hall to use the bathroom. His cheap shoes made a clacking noise on every other step. So he made a clack and a pat. Clack pat clack pat clack… you get the idea.
The bathroom seemed a bit further down then he remembered it, things always do when you are nervous and your bladders yelling at you.

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