Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I work in an office environment. Don’t judge me for that, I don’t know or care where you work and already I don’t like you. Where was i? oh yes, my catch fraise. I would get invited to meetings, usually unnecessarily. My old catch fraise use to be “is there food in this or am I just not going.” I have decided to revamp this to a new one. Which I will post later. So if you see some phrase in quotes for no reason as a post, its me testing my new catch phrase.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
The Descent is decent. A friend of my who happens to be a doctor (of goreolgy) lent me this film. Pretty dang good. I see that there is a US theatrical release date of August 4, 2006. I’m not much of a movie buff, but this one would be scary enough to see in theaters (which I won’t go). Its about a bunch of thrill seekers who get stuck in a cave and later on run into some troubles. It’s a great film for both people who like being stuck in caves and people who don’t care for being stuck in caves but like swearing. I’ll give it 11 thumbs up. That is 5 and a half fonzie’s. There is one scene where one person finds a dead dear or something. Looking at the credits, the part was played by Anthony Clark, from the show “yes dear.” (I would like to formally apologize for that last joke; I hate the show “yes, dear” and don’t have any affiliation with them). Anyway I liked the movie somewhat and it gives me new found respect for people who like ropes.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Apparently i started writing this 6 years ago. it's total rubish.
He thought he looked good, at least as good as he ever did as a bead of sweat started running down his forehead. Thoughts of him walking into the interview, being the answer to there dreams pleased him but he knew that he was grossly under qualified. The two other potential candidates were sitting across from him, engaging in what he would call “I don’t know you. But I’ll be nice to you because life tells me to be nice to you. And even though you might steal a job from me, I’ll pretend to like you.”
‘Pathetic,’ John thought ‘As if it wasn’t bad enough that I had to sit in with these two as they swapped horror stories about how bad it is out in the job market, my stomach keeps rumbling and I also have to use the bathroom like nobody business. My hands are almost waterlogged from sweat. Great. That will make a good impression. He’ll come up to me and say please to meet you and then get a handful of my own fluids.”
‘Honesty. That is what this world needs. I’m gonna march right in there and tell him that I am under qualified and will come in late after 3 weeks of just barley making it in time. That I was the first one downsized at my last company and this one won’t be much different.’ He laughed at himself for a second. Although he was cracking up on the inside the outside, still sweating, showed only a smiled, his thoughts wandered to the policy of interoffice dating.
The secretary called in one of the other gentlemen. He used that time to go down the hall to use the bathroom. His cheap shoes made a clacking noise on every other step. So he made a clack and a pat. Clack pat clack pat clack… you get the idea.
The bathroom seemed a bit further down then he remembered it, things always do when you are nervous and your bladders yelling at you.
He thought he looked good, at least as good as he ever did as a bead of sweat started running down his forehead. Thoughts of him walking into the interview, being the answer to there dreams pleased him but he knew that he was grossly under qualified. The two other potential candidates were sitting across from him, engaging in what he would call “I don’t know you. But I’ll be nice to you because life tells me to be nice to you. And even though you might steal a job from me, I’ll pretend to like you.”
‘Pathetic,’ John thought ‘As if it wasn’t bad enough that I had to sit in with these two as they swapped horror stories about how bad it is out in the job market, my stomach keeps rumbling and I also have to use the bathroom like nobody business. My hands are almost waterlogged from sweat. Great. That will make a good impression. He’ll come up to me and say please to meet you and then get a handful of my own fluids.”
‘Honesty. That is what this world needs. I’m gonna march right in there and tell him that I am under qualified and will come in late after 3 weeks of just barley making it in time. That I was the first one downsized at my last company and this one won’t be much different.’ He laughed at himself for a second. Although he was cracking up on the inside the outside, still sweating, showed only a smiled, his thoughts wandered to the policy of interoffice dating.
The secretary called in one of the other gentlemen. He used that time to go down the hall to use the bathroom. His cheap shoes made a clacking noise on every other step. So he made a clack and a pat. Clack pat clack pat clack… you get the idea.
The bathroom seemed a bit further down then he remembered it, things always do when you are nervous and your bladders yelling at you.
Ok, a post. errr, so what is in the news today.
Ok, one thing I realized since I started blogging is that nobody really cares if its real blood and fake blood pouring out of a cadaver, as long as it is coming out in droves. Well that was disgusting.
Let me start over. How about this, my car battery died today, no funeral arrangements have been made. I went to a battery store (WHAT?) and bought a battery. My father came with me, (we hang every other Friday). I feel that I was robbed by this purchase. That battery was way to expensive, and as you may or may not know, am on a limited budget. Nobody's fault buy my own spending habits. (coke is an expensive drug and if you don't know that you inhale instead of exhale, you can get into debt pretty dang quick) So I was doing about a kilo a day.
What was a talking about? Batteries. And me buying one. Well that was it actually. The story kind of spiked when I mentioned coke but fizzed out when I went over where it spiked and where it fizzled. Basically that last sentence.
Ok so lets wrap that up.
Me saying I went into a battery store makes a small part inside me die a little. Coke is expensive and needs some kind of manual. And I don't know how much a kilo is.
Ok, one thing I realized since I started blogging is that nobody really cares if its real blood and fake blood pouring out of a cadaver, as long as it is coming out in droves. Well that was disgusting.
Let me start over. How about this, my car battery died today, no funeral arrangements have been made. I went to a battery store (WHAT?) and bought a battery. My father came with me, (we hang every other Friday). I feel that I was robbed by this purchase. That battery was way to expensive, and as you may or may not know, am on a limited budget. Nobody's fault buy my own spending habits. (coke is an expensive drug and if you don't know that you inhale instead of exhale, you can get into debt pretty dang quick) So I was doing about a kilo a day.
What was a talking about? Batteries. And me buying one. Well that was it actually. The story kind of spiked when I mentioned coke but fizzed out when I went over where it spiked and where it fizzled. Basically that last sentence.
Ok so lets wrap that up.
Me saying I went into a battery store makes a small part inside me die a little. Coke is expensive and needs some kind of manual. And I don't know how much a kilo is.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
I want a tassel. Let me reiterate. I want a tassel.
Back when I graduated High School. (what is so funny?) I kind of skipped the whole, wear a dress and get a scroll end of high school thing. It reminds me of a very ghey version of harry potter or something, if that is possible. So I didn’t get a tassel, and not having that tassel prevented me from hanging one in my car (usually seen on camaros) and missed out on the lecture “dude, its been 15 years, loose the tassel.” Good times.
Back when I graduated High School. (what is so funny?) I kind of skipped the whole, wear a dress and get a scroll end of high school thing. It reminds me of a very ghey version of harry potter or something, if that is possible. So I didn’t get a tassel, and not having that tassel prevented me from hanging one in my car (usually seen on camaros) and missed out on the lecture “dude, its been 15 years, loose the tassel.” Good times.
Monday, July 10, 2006
I am gonna try to make a post every single day, except the weekends. That is my time to shine(do absolutely nothing) I almost missed my post today so I’m coming in at the late hour to get it in on time.
I have been looking at RV’s lately. I am fascinated with the “home away from home” concept. In some rvs are fancier and much better then a mansion. But this is why I won’t get one, I hate the outdoors just a little bit more then the indoors. Yeah, pretty week. I am also pretty territorial. I don’t think I would go camping and if I did I would want to see my house to keep an eye on it. I don’t think I like leaving my house for a week and only taking some of the stuff. What is wrong with the stuff I leave behind? I don’t want to hurt any things feelings. I don’t like the way campfires make you smell, and did you ever notice that the grunge look was similar to the a week of camping look(dirty, unwashed and flannel).
I have been looking at RV’s lately. I am fascinated with the “home away from home” concept. In some rvs are fancier and much better then a mansion. But this is why I won’t get one, I hate the outdoors just a little bit more then the indoors. Yeah, pretty week. I am also pretty territorial. I don’t think I would go camping and if I did I would want to see my house to keep an eye on it. I don’t think I like leaving my house for a week and only taking some of the stuff. What is wrong with the stuff I leave behind? I don’t want to hurt any things feelings. I don’t like the way campfires make you smell, and did you ever notice that the grunge look was similar to the a week of camping look(dirty, unwashed and flannel).
Friday, July 07, 2006
A funny qote from http://www.michaeljnelson.com/
about the iron chef
This is the premise of the show as I understand it: An eccentric millionaire named Kaga, who reminds one strongly of the devil, only gayer, has captured a small gaggle of Japan's greatest chefs and is holding them in his castle. Dressed like a cheap showgirl, Kaga referees cooking battles between his chefs and other great chefs of the world--though when I say "the world," I mostly mean Japan.
about the iron chef
This is the premise of the show as I understand it: An eccentric millionaire named Kaga, who reminds one strongly of the devil, only gayer, has captured a small gaggle of Japan's greatest chefs and is holding them in his castle. Dressed like a cheap showgirl, Kaga referees cooking battles between his chefs and other great chefs of the world--though when I say "the world," I mostly mean Japan.
The 4th of July is perhaps the most stupid idea for a holiday. does anyone really know what we are celebrating? Don't get me wrong I really like your country. you humans (minus brains) are all right in my book. I just find it hard to believe that we are still entertained by flashes of light in the sky that aren't aliens (think land of the dead and you'll really feel silly)? Fireworks are dangerous. Anything that you lite and then explodes or just gets real hot shouldn't be given to children to run around and really hurt themselves. Do you think Francis Scott Key was writing about sparklers? Why not celebrate the holiday but doing a mock signing of the declaration of independence, where you are all wearing white wigs and blouses.
for the pete of sake, be careful.
for the pete of sake, be careful.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Role-Playing Game
Great game, but so much more (not a lot, maybe i should of said so a little more)
Voice actors in the game are quite note worthy. Here is the short list
Richard Dean Anderson (i knew a guy name jimmy dean, he makes sausage i think, this guy was in stargate and Mcgyver)
Clancy Brown Who played the Kurgan in Highlander (WOW) and is also know for the voice of Mr. Krabs (that sounds gross)
Richard Moll (think bull in night court OR you could go with the bad guy in "House")
Tony Shalhoub (Scarpatchy? also in a show i'm currently thinking of watching "monk")
Other people in the game are mostly Pro voice actors.
Something to think about next time your out collecting bottle caps.
Great game, but so much more (not a lot, maybe i should of said so a little more)
Voice actors in the game are quite note worthy. Here is the short list
Richard Dean Anderson (i knew a guy name jimmy dean, he makes sausage i think, this guy was in stargate and Mcgyver)
Clancy Brown Who played the Kurgan in Highlander (WOW) and is also know for the voice of Mr. Krabs (that sounds gross)
Richard Moll (think bull in night court OR you could go with the bad guy in "House")
Tony Shalhoub (Scarpatchy? also in a show i'm currently thinking of watching "monk")
Other people in the game are mostly Pro voice actors.
Something to think about next time your out collecting bottle caps.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Big surpise, i hate gymkata. I just got off the phone with a local gymnastics center they don't know what Gymkata is so i hung up on them.

notice that he is kicking not one but two ninja. Ha, the total Ninja content of this movie is zero. Did he kick these guys off screen somewhere? i guess we'll never know. I would also like to add that he looks like a douchebag in this picture. i just noticed that the ninja was holding a machine gun. he must be new or something.
Here is from another website on this matter
Most of the movie occurs in the Middle East. So who represents all the Middle Easterns? Americans in turbans, of course!
Part of the obstacle course goes through the town of crazies. It's full of nasty-looking cannibals. I have to give the filmmakers credit, they found some of the ugliest women I have ever seen. But I have no idea why there's a 5-minute slow motion walking scene during this segment.
The best part about the town of crazies is that THERE'S A STONE POMMEL HORSE IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN!!!! What in the world?? How convenient. Of course Thomas does a routine on the horse, kicking bad guys in the process. This is absolutely the worst case of bad guys attacking a good guy one at a time that I've ever seen in a movie. EVER! There's no strategy to his routine. He doesn't even look at the bad guys! He just does his routine and every single moron runs into his kicks. Why? I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. I could write separate articles on how bad the acting and dialogue are, but you might fall asleep. This is just the perfect example of a "so bad it's good" movie. I just wish they had hammed it up even more. For example, I can't believe Kurt wasn't forced to say something like, "Parmistan? What's your main export, cheese?" Sadly, that line is actually too intelligent for the script.
I emailed kurtthomas@gymkata.com this message
Hey, WTF were you thinking?
And immediately got the response:
This is an automated response
Thank you for emailing me about Gymkata. You are no doubt angry about almost seeing my balls and for the many many plot holes in my movie, GYMKATA. Why would ninjas live in the Ukraine and need Machineguns? And if you ask me, a crazy town is one without a pummelhorse. Anywho, I should get back to my duties as a fry cook. Thanks again for almost seeing my junk
notice that he is kicking not one but two ninja. Ha, the total Ninja content of this movie is zero. Did he kick these guys off screen somewhere? i guess we'll never know. I would also like to add that he looks like a douchebag in this picture. i just noticed that the ninja was holding a machine gun. he must be new or something.
Here is from another website on this matter
Most of the movie occurs in the Middle East. So who represents all the Middle Easterns? Americans in turbans, of course!
Part of the obstacle course goes through the town of crazies. It's full of nasty-looking cannibals. I have to give the filmmakers credit, they found some of the ugliest women I have ever seen. But I have no idea why there's a 5-minute slow motion walking scene during this segment.
The best part about the town of crazies is that THERE'S A STONE POMMEL HORSE IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN!!!! What in the world?? How convenient. Of course Thomas does a routine on the horse, kicking bad guys in the process. This is absolutely the worst case of bad guys attacking a good guy one at a time that I've ever seen in a movie. EVER! There's no strategy to his routine. He doesn't even look at the bad guys! He just does his routine and every single moron runs into his kicks. Why? I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. I could write separate articles on how bad the acting and dialogue are, but you might fall asleep. This is just the perfect example of a "so bad it's good" movie. I just wish they had hammed it up even more. For example, I can't believe Kurt wasn't forced to say something like, "Parmistan? What's your main export, cheese?" Sadly, that line is actually too intelligent for the script.
I emailed kurtthomas@gymkata.com this message
Hey, WTF were you thinking?
And immediately got the response:
This is an automated response
Thank you for emailing me about Gymkata. You are no doubt angry about almost seeing my balls and for the many many plot holes in my movie, GYMKATA. Why would ninjas live in the Ukraine and need Machineguns? And if you ask me, a crazy town is one without a pummelhorse. Anywho, I should get back to my duties as a fry cook. Thanks again for almost seeing my junk
Monday, July 03, 2006
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